
Midnight Corey 2

May 27, 2010 | 7 comments | Posted in Podcast |


The 2-year-old Indonesian smoker loves to listen to my podcast with his first smokes of the day.

This week, I address my concerns with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, movies and TV shows I’ve been watching, music, and lots more. I review the zombie movie Killing Spree (1987), and play my song “Blood Comes From Your Throat” (watch the video).

There are also Voicemails of Death this week.

Zombie Stuff:

The Microsoft zombie vs. shark commercial

Music: Deathraid | The Intelligence

Subscribe to Midnight Corey: RSS | iTunes

Listening to me on other podcasts: Library of the Living Dead | Library of Horror | UNLEASHED

7 responses to “Midnight Corey 2”

  1. misfitboy says:

    qucik review of the 2nd episode…..
    1st off, it does’nt matter if you “belong” in podcasting, you are where you are. fortunatly everyone wants you here, myself included. 2nd. laddy gag gag = ?, why cant blood come from her throat??!! phish not a huge fan but i do enjoy the music. i have to agree with the movie review, im a sucker for cheese films as i like to call them. also i must have watched your video at least 6 times, i think its such a cool way to pay homage to one of the greats! to drive in PA you may have to take out a 2nd. mortgage on your home. not to mention the folks that work there are getting paid for the 2 hrs. u are there, your not. BUT, you know as well as I do there is always some “ass-clown” who didnt take the time to call b4 to find out what he-or she needs to bring to the dmv (draining my vitals)!!!! voicemails, spooky-bill is always worth a laugh or 2 and by far one of the most intellegent listeners around (McPierce) has my #1 spot. and its always good to hear from GraciesPoppy just a all round cool guy. as for me, cinema wasteland-
    autograph of kyra shoon $20
    signed dvd of the cast of zombie2 im thinking $120
    hangin’ with Corey & Tom Berdinski & the Italian horror movies F-N PRICELESS!!
    i got 1 autograph while i was there lol i was just having a great time hanging out with people who have a “real” love for horror. the show is great corey it seems more wide open now, and i think in time people will catch on even more than the “other show”. so to all listeners, PLEASE, play nice in the sandbox. to rate the show for the last 2 episodes, a 10 out of 10 easy! great job my friend.

  2. Your political rant worried me. The present administration (a direct offshoot of the past administration) has characterized “terrorists” as people who are angry at government and don’t recognize the benevolent parentage of our leaders. If you support Ron Paul or have a supply of coal oil in your bunker, you could be dangerous. Here’s my solution: watch more football. Football, football will put you to sleep…wait! This whole Ben R. thing ruined that! Damn it! Where are my opiates?

    Sigh. Great show. I like the original music aspect. I’m a big Indy fan (particularly screamo – who the hell knows why?) so hearing a show with original tunes that also reviews small-budget horror films and talks (kindly) about other podcasts is so very perfect for my present frame of mind.

    I tried multi-tracking once. I did a version of “My Generation” – vocals nothing but frustrated stutters and groans (aided by the fact that I can’t sing a lick). Used a drum machine (because I can’t drum a lick either). The six-second guitar solo rocked, though. My ex-wife threw out the recording while “cleaning up” (got the old high school baseball jersey, too), so no one will ever know just how great I was. Believe it.

    I look forward to hearing your take on “White Zombie.” Bound to be interesting.

    Finally, I like your all-Corey format. It should be a satellite radio station. Move over, Stern.

  3. James Melzer says:

    Another great episode! More Corey, all the time! Rock on, man. You’re doing an awesome job!

  4. Jeff from DC says:

    PDOT is coming for you. Mock the sticker, pay the price.

  5. Goatboy says:

    ZOMBI!!! Best scene in the fim, that!

  6. Jeff from DC says:

    I gotta say, I’m pretty impressed with your music( and your writing skillz, but difft topic). Usually when people say, “I’m also a musician” it’s akin to, “I’m also an actor.” Your Philidelphia Experiment song was something that would end up on my Zune. Same with the Susan song. So I’m glad your music is not teh suck. If it was I wouldn’t say anything, but just the same it’s good stuff.

  7. Julianna says:

    Let me just say that I am so so happy that you are podcasting again, I have a internship this summer so I get paid $14 a hour to stare at the floor for hours on end while hiding in the storage area. Your podcasts really helped make time not go by backwards like it usually does. But when I noticed that there was an episode with “Final” in the title I quickly listened to it in hopes it wasn’t your final episode, but was instead a final test or something. I was sad to learn it was the final episode. Then you started podcasting again, and while I am still catching up on all your previous podcasts, I await your new episodes. So thank you for sticking it to all the haters, even though I am amazed some would exist, and starting up podcasting again. I’ve even gotten my best friend to subscribe, so please continue doing whatever you want. Thank you again.

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