
Making My First Movie: Vlog 4

August 10, 2010 | 7 comments | Posted in Filmmaking, Horror, Movies, Video |

Mistakes abound this week! Do not use natural clay to mold a fake head, and do not use Precious Molding Gel in trying to make a fake hand out of ballistics gel.

7 responses to “Making My First Movie: Vlog 4”

  1. Jeff from DC says:

    Why are you hating on fake beards? Some people lack the ability to grow full, rich beards…should they be denied the pleasure of a warm jaw on a cool winters night? For shame, Corey.

  2. Haha, I really have no idea how my beard will grow in, because I’ve never tried it before. All I know is that it’s itchy as hell already.

  3. misfitboy says:

    you aint seen nothing yet core. once it get about an inch thick you will think you have fleas!

  4. Jeff from DC says:

    I recommend at least one character having a horseshoe mustache with a soul patch. It’s a good trim from the beard, and it really screams trucker wallet. How’re you on props?

  5. Brian says:

    Halloweenforum.com – if you have any questions on prop making, here’s where to get a a how-to.

  6. Zombie Headhunter says:

    I know I’m late, but hey, better late than never. I’m afraid I’ve got nothing useful to add. I used to have a beard about 6 years ago and my advice for growing one is to simply stop shaving – but I guess you figured that one out yourself already 😉 I agree with the fleas comment, but the worst for me was the ‘beard splinters’, but you’ve got to get into trimming it before that becomes a problem.

    I’ll steer clear of giving you some advice and instead give you some encouragement…. Go Corey, Go Corey, Go Corey, Go Corey! Is that working for you?

  7. Zombie Frida says:

    I think it’s very sexy, kinda look like a “LOST ” character…. LOL

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