
NaNoWriMo 2009 Winner

December 8, 2009 | 1 comment | Posted in Writing |

nano_09_winner_120x240 For the fourth year in a row, I wrote 50,000 words in the month of November. And an even bigger accomplishment is that I actually completed the story. In the past years, I would hit my word count and stop, not really ending the story. Well, this year I wrote about 4,000 extra words to make sure I brought it all to a close.

Thanks to everyone who read it over at MidnightCorey.com. I’ve begun revising, and have some additions/rewriting in mind. Some people have suggested trying to get it published, and I very well may try. But before I do that, I’m going to make some major revisions.

NaNoWriMo 2009

November 9, 2009 | No comments | Posted in Writing |

Here we are — I forgot to mention that for National Novel Writing Month this year, I’m blogging my novel. Courageous or stupid? You be the judge.


Less than a week away

October 26, 2009 | 1 comment | Posted in Uncategorized |

NaNoWriMo is less than a week away now, and the closer it gets to November 1st, the more I realize that I’m not necessarily the smartest person for putting it up on a blog for all to see and laugh at. But I made the decision, and will stick to it. Call it another level of accountability.

So, I’m putting the official word count updater in the sidebar of this blog. Also, if you’re participating in NaNoWriMo, here’s the link to my profile you you can friend me.

Horror Realm 2009

September 20, 2009 | 5 comments | Posted in Horror |


I spent the entire day yesterday at Horror Realm in Pittsburgh. Ideally, I would have spent the whole weekend there, but alas, the demands of everyday life limited my stay to Saturday.

I was there nearly 12 hours, and still didn’t do everything and talk to everybody that I wanted to. At least I did a lot better than I did at Zombie Fest last year — I only had a couple hours to spend there, and only talked to a handful of people.

The high point of the day for me was the panel with Ken Foree. That man can talk! And it was fantastic. The hour had flown by, and Ken was only warming up. As we were all sitting around bullshitting later that night, we all agreed that Ken Foree is PIMP. I’ll be replaying his highly entertaining panel on the Midnight Podcast soon.

Ken Foree is PIMP

Ken Foree is PIMP

Other big names in the horror industry that I got to talk to were Tony Todd, Bill Moseley, and Leslie Easterbrook, who all were kind enough to talk for the Midnight Podcast. Ken Foree was incredibly interesting and creative as usual; Tony Todd was thrilled to hear I’m from Erie (he has lots of ties there); Bill Moseley revealed to me that he’s done several CD’s with Buckethead; and Leslie Easterbrook was sweet and beautiful.

Bill Moseley

Bill Moseley

It was great to meet a lot of the people that I’ve come to know in the horror community online. This includes the legendary Dr. Pus, who held the absolute coolest podcasting session ever. He recorded a spontaneous segment for Library of the Living Dead, harrassing various guests such as David Dunwoody, Rob Fox and yours truly. The whole corner was going nuts!

Dr. Pus and The Dunwoody

Dr. Pus and The Dunwoody

Podcasting with Dr. Pus

Podcasting with Dr. Pus

Everybody was extremely cool. I hung around most with author Eric S. Brown, who is just as cool in person as he is over the phone. I also hung with author/podcaster James Melzer, who treated me to a satisfying Canadian beer. Stephen A. North is a teddy bear, and a true gentleman. Rhiannon Frater, Rob Fox, Scott Johnson, ZA Recht, JL Bourne, SG Browne, Robert R. Best (along with his wonderful wife Laura), and David Dunwoody were other fantastic people I got to meet and talk to.

Stephen A. North and David Dunwoody

Stephen A. North and David Dunwoody

Of course, a lot of zombies and characters from Dawn of the Dead (1978) were around, and they were buckets of fun to talk to. The most common thing that I heard from them is how much they’re amazed that after over 30 years, they are still known for Dawn, and have incredible fans. Frank Serrao (gray suit zombie), Nick Tallo (biker raider), Joe Shelby (biker raider/Martinez), Shanon Ceccatti (nurse zombie), Leonard Lies (machete zombie), Jim Krut (helicopter zombie), and, of course, Ken Foree.

Sharon Ceccatti (nurse zombie)

Sharon Ceccatti (nurse zombie)

Frank Serrao (gray suit zombie)

Frank Serrao (gray suit zombie)

Joe Shelby (biker/Martinez)

Nick Tallo

And then there were us podcasters. Along with Library of the Living Dead and James Melzer’s Unleashed, I met up with members of Don’t Look in the Podcast, the Funky Werepig and Gutmunchers. All wonderful!

And I was just as happy to see Midnight Podcast listeners Florida Possum and Zombie Farmer! They made an obscenely long journey to the Zombie Capital of the World. Florida Possum was every bit as awesome as I thought, and Zombie Farmer was sweet and entertaining (to say the least). She certainly entertained Ken Foree during his panel discussion as she developed a case of loud hiccups. Ken totally called her out on it.

The whole thing was fantastic. My only regrets: 1) not being able to be there for Friday or Sunday (reliable sources tell me Tom Savini showed up Friday night, talking to fans and browsing the laserdiscs), and 2) having not talked to the likes of Jonathan Maberry, Travis Adkins, Kim Paffenroth, and Tiffany Shepis (although she was certainly noticed).

Funny story about Ms. Shepis: a whole group of us were outside talking and drinking beers, and Tiffany strolls up to us. “You look like a big group of alcoholics,” she said. “Where is the stairway to the liquor store?” She was under the impression that the hotel had some kind of hidden stairway to the liquor store. WTF?

UPDATE: Nick Tallo sent me a VERY angry comment on this blog, calling me names like “idiot” and “dickhead” because I got his name mixed up with Joe Shelby. I apologized for this, but I no longer am a fan of Mr. Tallo because of his outburst toward me. A simple, “Hey, you got your names mixed up . . .” and an explanation would have been wonderful, but he resorted to name-calling and generally making himself look like a fool. Do not support Nick Tallo — I just lost all respect for this man.

I am Scared of This Demon Woman

August 10, 2009 | 1 comment | Posted in Terrifying, Video |

Watching his video nearly made me die.

Catching Up on Comics

August 1, 2009 | No comments | Posted in Comics |

I’ve spent the weekend catching up on a lot of comics that have been piling up for several months. Today I read the first 3 issues of Rapture and the first three issues of Unwritten, and I’m about to read all 4 issues of Marvel Zombies 4.

Last night I had quite an impressive fire going.

I've Been Angry

July 5, 2009 | 1 comment | Posted in Funny, Nothing in Particular |

red-asianI haven’t been writing much lately. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m much better off keeping my mouth shut, rather than voicing my anger-fueled opinions.

I’ve even stopped using Twitter as much . . . it’s all a bunch of trendy garbage. People who are not inherently cool now believe that they are cool.

There I go again.

A Look at TV Judges

April 4, 2009 | 10 comments | Posted in TV |

I work from home. I usually listen to podcasts all morning while I work, then turn on the TV during the afternoon for background noise. Out of the 100’s of channels that the dispicable Time Warner Cable provides, the only things worth watching are the TV judges.

I’ll start off by cluing you into the fact that none of these people are real judges. They are arbiters. The parties involved in each case sign a contract before they go on, stating that they allow the “judge” to provide binding arbitration and that they will abide by the ruling.

And don’t be fooled by whom you may consider to be the “bailiffs” on these shows — they’re nothing more than hired goons. Security guys who are in no way certified by any court and only there to look tough. Unless you’re that one from Judge Mathis’ show, who is far from intimidating and looks as though he should be in his mom’s basement talking about Star Trek. More on that below.

Over the past several years, I’ve been able to get a pretty good read on these judges. My conclusion is that there’s only one worth watching — Judge Judy. I will halt all work I’m doing at 4:00 to watch her rip through anyone who steps foot in her “court” (TV studio).

So let me talk a little more about the four TV judges I’ve become familiar with.

1. Judge Judy

judge-judyLike I said — the only one worth watching. She’s all business and no nonsense. She can spot a liar a mile away, and is the queen of stinging one-liners.

Judge Judy is a brilliant woman, knowing all the right questions to ask to get to the bottom of things. Demanding respect, she takes total control of the “court room” and is not intimidated by anyone. She doesn’t let anyone try to flatter her to sweet-talk her into getting her sympathy.

She deserves every penny she earns on the show. All other TV judges  pale in comparison.

Her security guy is great. He shows little emotion and only gets involved when prompted by Judy. And he has a great presence, guaranteeing that Judy is safe from those angered parties who get their little feelings hurt.

2. Judge Karen

judge-karenWhile I’m not particularly impressed by any other TV judge after Judge Judy, Judge Karen is the most bearable of the rest of the pack. She’s interesting and has personality — making for great TV — and seems to have a good time doing what she’s doing. Most of the time she’s fair and shows compassion.

For a judge, though, she’s not as no-nonsense as Judge Judy and will crack jokes. She’s a bit “softer,” often allowing things that Judy would not.

Judge Karen’s security guy has been cast well — he looks the part. He’s only there for the sake of being there, and rarely becomes part of the proceedings.

3. Judge Mathis

judge-mathisThis is where things start getting ridiculous. He’s a jerk — plain and simple. He makes every attempt to emulate Judge Judy’s toughness, but comes across as being harsh for no reason. When Judge Judy is harsh, there’s a reason — it’s her M.O. She knows exactly what she’s doing — very calculated. Judge Mathis is not. He will needlessly snap at people who come before him. He often slouches in the bench, being disrespectful of those before him.

He’s preachy. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard his spiel about being on the Steve Harvey show, about rap music and record companies, blah blah blah . . . You’re there to rule on this dispute, not to feed me your agenda. I’m sure it’s fun for TV, but not for “court.”

And he LOVES to have his ego stroked. Every show I’ve seen includes statements of how much people like him and admire him. He loves it, and basks in the praise. I just cannot respect that.

And like I mentioned above, his security guy is a dork. Most of the people on the show could probably whup him in a fist fight.

4. Judge Hatchett

judge-hatchettUgh . . . this show was cancelled last year, but for some reason they still see fit to air reruns. I cannot stand this — it’s the picture of stupidity. Judge Hatchett is loud, dramatic, and annoying. She tries really hard to give the impression that she’s caring — a righter of wrongs; a hero. She wants to come across as being a role model for the younger generation — and also for the African American community. However, she is so dramatic and full of herself that her facade backfires.

This is not “court” —  or arbitration — or whatever. This is the Glenda Hatchett “look at me” show. I have ZERO respect for this woman, who uses a TV courtroom to try to make her big head even bigger. Zero.

Why does she take an entire show to drag out a “court-ordered” DNA test? Just bring out the DNA results and move on. But no, she takes the entire half hour to extract personal details from the parties involved, preaching and yelling until she finally comes to the dramatic “bring out the results!” part at the very end. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

And what’s up with these interventions? Can you really sue your “wild teen” for an intervention? WTF??? If I want crap like Jerry Springer and Maury, I’ll turn to those wonderful shows. But what belongs on court TV shows is the settlement of a dispute — not crap like this, no matter what kind of “feel-good” TV it makes for. And Hatchett sits back, just so damn smug and pleased with herself. “Look at me!” she’s probably thinking. “Look at how wonderful a person I am!”

Now to her security guy. It seems to me that the producers of the show went to the nearest run-down trailer park, found the biggest guy there, and slapped a fake uniform on him. He’s probably paid in cases of Budweiser cans. He bellows out the most ridiculous “All rise . . .” statement at the beginning of the show that I’ve ever heard. He’s almost as dramatic as Hatchett — and I can’t stand him either.

Judge Hatchett’s show is one big circus of stupid. I’m happy as can be that she was fired from TV.

Seller "sonofbruno" on Ebay

March 29, 2009 | 3 comments | Posted in Funny |

I had my first negative experience on Ebay this weekend. It seems that I’ve run into a seller who thinks a lot of himself but also has a lot of issues.

As many of you know, I’ve been getting more and more into zombie comics, and I’ve been going through Ebay and my local comic shops to find all the zombie books I can. I bought the first couple issues of Dead Irons and the issue of Spider-Girl #13 with the variant zombie cover. I also bought an array of Zombie Tales issues from a seller named sonofbruno.

So I contacted sonofbruno yesterday to make sure he has shipped the comics. This is the response I got:

“Dude I said I send out within 2 days of payment. You paid me on March 22. I sent our Media Mail as advertised. Media Mail usually takes 7-12 days.”

My response:

“I understand that. I wanted to make sure — communication is extremely important to me. Do not get an attitude with me.”

His response:

“Screw you Feel free to give me bad feedback Unlike you I am not poor and I don’t like to have my time wasted by time wasters like you for chump change Get a life! I specified when I would send this and anyone with brain enough given my past feedback would understand that I am a reliable seller and people who buy from me get their products as stated. Get a life! Thank you for wasting 15 minutes of my day. I will not continue any more dialogue with you. Get a girlfriend not a comic book!”

My response:

“You’ve been reported, friend.”

So I reported his email to Ebay. Hopefully something happens, because when I report “abuse” to them they assume I’ve been threatened with violence. That isn’t the case here, but his response to me was certainly unwarranted.

I’m not even going to begin arguing with his statements, because he obviously doesn’t know me at all. But all of the sudden, I’m glad I wasted 15 minutes of his precious time. I look forward to wasting much more of it.

But I will agree with him on one point: I also do not like having my time wasted by time wasters. I prefer to have my time wasted by more efficient people.

Bottom line: DO NOT deal with sonofbruno on Ebay. He’s a complete dick.

I am just curious, though, about one thing . . . if this guy is as wealthy as he claims to be, why is he hawking comics on Ebay for a couple bucks each? I guess the economy’s pretty tough right now.

Steelers Are Goin' to the Super Bowl

January 24, 2009 | No comments | Posted in Sports |

Oh yeah. If you would have told me this at the beginning of the season, I would have laughed in your face. But the NFL’s #1 defense, one of the 3 top defenses of all time, brought Pittsburgh to the Super Bowl once again.

I laughed as I watched them crush the Ravens for the third time this year. Lil’ Joe Flacco ain’t quite the hotshot everyone thought he was.

The problem with the Super Bowl is that I don’t hate the Cardinals. It’s great to see a team that has never gone to the Super Bowl make it that far. And from what I gather, Kurt Warner is a pretty good guy. But in the context of the game next Sunday, I have to hate them – because I love my Steelers.