
Flattering Comments

July 10, 2011 | 10 comments | Posted in Nothing in Particular |

I just had a couple comments come in on the blog, one accusing me of being “overrated” and “overdramatic,” then calling me all kinds of names. It’s very flattering that I’ve elicited such emotions from people (and that they’re paying such close attention to me)! It’s just too bad none of them are smart enough to say anything intelligent — all they can do is post obscenities.

While I certainly get a good laugh at these comments, I’m not engaging in any kind of back-and-forth with such people. Sorry trolls!

Resurrected Blog

July 7, 2011 | No comments | Posted in Nothing in Particular, Podcasting |

My blog is back, sifted from the ashes of the mangled Midnight Corey site. WordPress theme files were in really bad shape, and the database was full of malicious injections. I’ve salvaged most of everything, although you’ll probably notice a few strange things happening with some of the old articles. Thanks for bearing with me as I continue the cleanup.

The Midnight Corey podcast won’t continue. There’s too much controversy, and too many crazy people out there who are taking things way too seriously and who have too much time on their hands. If you’re interested in listening to the podcast, all the episodes are available on the podcast archive page.

My original music is also available again on the music page.

I will still be posting whatever comes to my head, and doing various reviews. Enjoy, all you sensitive Internet people.

I've Been Angry

July 5, 2009 | 1 comment | Posted in Funny, Nothing in Particular |

red-asianI haven’t been writing much lately. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m much better off keeping my mouth shut, rather than voicing my anger-fueled opinions.

I’ve even stopped using Twitter as much . . . it’s all a bunch of trendy garbage. People who are not inherently cool now believe that they are cool.

There I go again.

2 Things that Do Not Go Together

October 22, 2008 | No comments | Posted in Nothing in Particular |

My wife came home with a giant bag of candy “for the trick-or-treaters.” Every year she and I are surprised when that candy never makes it to Halloween.

This year it was a huge bag of Nerds, Sweet Tarts, Runts, and Laffy Taffy. So, this morning, I decided that I’d give myself a little extra boost by eating Sweet Tarts along with my strong dark coffee.

This was bad.

Individually, Sweet Tarts and coffee are luxurious. Together, it’s like ingesting vomit.

I Am the Third Corey

September 27, 2008 | No comments | Posted in Funny, Nothing in Particular |

Here’s a re-post from the former version of the blog — the one I wiped out completely. I’m going to start putting up some of the funnier and more interesting stuff from the old blog. What the hell.

Corey Haim, Corey Feldman, Corey Graham . . . but they never mention me because I’m not enough of a tool.

Simplicity This Time

September 14, 2008 | No comments | Posted in Nothing in Particular |

I’ve just wiped out my whole blog here and started from scratch. Truth is, the thing was big and weird and fragmented, and started feeling out of control.

I was going to be Mr. Fancy Pants and design a big new complicated look for the re-launch of this blog, but then I said to hell with it. Simple look this time around.

At some point I’ll be re-posting my Podcast M songs, just for old time’s sake (ANYTHING is worth doing for old time’s sake). For now, that project is on hiatus, as my duties at the Midnight Podcast have reduced my songwriting time. But I may post something new from time to time, as I am in a constant state of songwriting. I can’t help it. It’s like crack to me. Audible crack.